
Scent of Magic by Maria V Snyder release date!

Healer, Book Two
by Maria V. Snyder
Coming 12/18/12
ISBN-13: 978-0778314189
Publisher: Harlequin MIRA
Pages: 400
Find it on Amazon, B&NGoodreads
Hunted, Killed - Survived?

As the last Healer in the Fifteen Realms, Avery of Kazan is in a unique position: in the minds of her friends and foes alike, she no longer exists. Despite her need to prevent the megalomanical King Tohon from winning control of the Realms, Avery is also determined to find her sister and repair their estrangement. And she must do it alone, as Kerrick, her partner and sole confident, returns to Alga to summon his country into battle.

Though she should be in hiding, Avery will do whatever she can to support Tohon’s opponents. Including infiltrating a holy army, evading magic sniffers, teaching forest skills to soldiers and figuring out how to stop Tohon’s most horrible creations yet; an army of the walking dead - human and animal alike and nearly impossible to defeat.

War is coming and Avery is alone. Unless she figures out how to do the impossible ... again.

I am twitterpated! For the longest time, Scent of Magic was listed on Goodreads as being published sometime in 2013. 20-freaking-13, Touch of Power was released in December of 2011 for goodness sake! I truly believed the fates were against me getting this book anytime soon. I faithfully checked on this books status multiple times a week, and in the end my freak-out was unjustified. My love for Maria V. Snyder high fantasy novels knows no bounds. Reading Touch of Power was like falling in love all over again, an experience not unlike my first time reading Poison Study. Her novels are mature, not constrained by a YA label, but without the pretension of a lot of adult high fantasy. I cannot wait for Scent of Magic.