
Cover Reveal: Before the Fall by Francis Knight

Rojan Dizan, Book Two
by Francis Knight
Coming 06/18/13
ISBN-13: 978-0316217705
Publisher: Orbit
Pages: 384
--Spoilers Ahead, Read With Extreme Caution--

With the destruction of their main power source, the towering vertical city of Mahala is in crisis. 

Downsiders are verging on a riot, and the mage Rojan Dizon is just trying to keep his head down and some power back to the city --- whilst staying hopeful that he won't get executed for using his magic. Then things go from bad to worse when a Downsider and emerging mage is found murdered. It's a crime that divides all sides, and the result is mayhem.

But Rojan's worst nightmare is just around the corner. When he discovers the killer's identity, he's either going to be responsible for all-out anarchy, or for a war with Mahala's neighboring countries that no one is prepared for.

And there's nothing Rojan hates more than being responsible.



A Rojan Dizon Novel, Book One
by Francis Knight
Coming 02/26/13
ISBN-13: 978-0316217682
Publisher: Orbit
Pages: 288
Find it on AmazonB&NGoodreads
"Presenting: FADE TO BLACK by the estimable Francis Knight, to be released worldwide by Orbit in February 2013.

We’d like to welcome you all to the fantasy world of Mahala. It’s a towering city that rises up from the deep, dark depths of a valley.

Mahala is built up in layers, not across – with streets piled upon streets, and buildings balancing precariously upon buildings. It’s a city that the Ministry rules from its lofty perch at the sunlit summit, and where the forsaken lurk in the shadowy depths of the Pit.

This compelling tale follows the story of Rojan Dizon – a bounty hunter who’s grown up in the shadows of Mahala. Everyone knows he’s a rogue, a womaniser, a shirker of all responsibility. But what they don’t know is that he’s also a pain-mage: someone able to draw magic from his own and other people’s pain. Rojan’s not keen on using his abilities, but when his niece is abducted and taken to the dark depths of the Pit, he’ll be forced to unleash his powers to find her." --read more from Fade To Black publisher, Orbit.

This year will bringing some seriously exciting new books, but I think that FADE TO BLACK and BEFORE THE FALL are now two of my most anticipated new novels for 2013. These covers are out of control, and Rojan Dizon sounds as badass as that city he lives in. Can. Not. Wait.