
4 new books...
The Night Dance by Suzanne Weyn
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From the back of the book...

"Rowena, the youngest of twelve sisters, loves to slip out of the castle at night and dance in a magical forest. Soon she convinces her sisters to join her. When Sir Ethan notices that his daughters' slippers look tattered every morning, he is certain they've been sneaking out. So he posts a challenge to all the suitors in the kingdom: The first man to discover where his daughters have been is free to marry the one he chooses.
Meanwhile a handsome young knight named Bedivere is involved in a challenge of his own: to return the powerful sword, Excalibur, to a mysterious lake. While looking for the lake, Bedivere meets the beautiful Rowena and falls for her. Bedivere knows that accepting Sir Ethan's challenge is the only opportunity for him to be with Rowena forever. But this puts both Bedivere and Rowena in a dangerous situation... one in which they risk their lives for a chance at love."

Ball don't lie by Matt de la Peña
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From the book jacket...

"Sticky is a beat-around-the-head foster kid with nowhere to call home but the street, and an outer shell so tough that no one will take him in. He started out life so far behind the pack that the finish line seems nearly unreachable. He's a white boy living and playing in a world where he doesn't seem to belong.
But Sticky can ball. And basketball might just be his ticket out... if he can only realize that he doesn't have to be the person everyone else expects him to be."

Things hoped for by Andrew Clements
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From the book jacket...

"Gwen's grandfather has disappeared from their home in New York City, but he's left her a phone message telling her not to worry -- and to let no one know he's gone. The timing couldn't be worse. Gwen has violin auditions soon at Manhattan's top music schools. More stress is not what she needs. Then she meets Robert, also in town for auditions, and her new freedom actually seems to have some benefits. After all, she's seventeen, suddenly on her own, and there's no place on earth quite like New York.
But below the surface, other forces are in motion. There's the great-uncle who keeps coming to the house, insisting he has to talk with her grandfather. There's the strange man Gwen sees one day when shopping, and then there's the discovery, right in her own home, that brings the NYPD crashing onto the scene, uniting Gwen and Robert in ways neither of them could have foretold."

Amazing grace by Megan Shull
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From the book jacket...

"Gorgeous teen superstar Grace Kincaid has it all -- an electric smile, million-dollar endorsement deals, and blond cover-girl looks. But what happens when America's "It" girl doesn't want "It" anymore?
With the paparazzi stalking her every move, Grace quietly slips out of a Teen People photo shoot, ducks the press, and calls her mom from the boiler room of the fabled USTA National Tennis Center. And right there, in her custom-made Nike warm-ups, tears streaming down her face, Grace says the three magic words that her mom told her she could say anytime, anytime this whole crazy life wasn't fun anymore.
Three simple words -- and her new life begins.
For the hottest girl on the planet, life's about to change: Grace gets a make-under, a new identity, and a new life in a rugged little town on the edge of nowhere, population 813 (including one cute boy: one very cute boy)."