
Title Revealed: Brooke and Perry by Veronica Rossi


Under the Never Sky Novella, Book ?
by Veronica Rossi
Coming 11/26/13
ISBN-13: 978-0062305442
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages: 60
Find it on AmazonGoodreads
Brooke and Perry by Veronica Rossi has descriptive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
"Anyone up for another e-novella, like ROAR & LIV, based on one of the secondary characters?

It's on.

More details soon!" --

I don't know why I'd want to read a book on Brooke and Perry, isn't that backtracking on grounds semi-covered in Roar & Liv? But, every story has a reason for being told, and I assume that it will have clue or insight into Book 3- if not something we've already read. I know what we really wanted to read about was "a certain someone" popping up out of the water and BREATHING, even though everyone believes that "they" have been killed. But we never get what we want- not directly anyway. I'm still going to read the hell out of this book!